Big Show
Real Name: Paul Wight
Height: 7’ 1"
Weight: 400 pounds
From: Tampa, Florida
Finishing move: Chokeslam
Career Highlights: Federation Champion; Tag Team Champion (2)

The Big Show tore into the World Wrestling Federation—literally. He first showed up at St. Valentine’s Day Massacre in February 1999 by ripping through the ring canvas and, in an amazing display of strength, throwing Stone Cold Steve Austin through a steel cage! Since then he has proven that his big debut wasn’t a fluke. Simply put, the Big Show is a blue chipper. Whether it is lifting up an entire ring or pulling the entire Titan Tron down to the floor, he puts on a show that fans won’t soon forget.

Show realized a lifelong dream when he won the Federation Championship at 1999's Survivor Series.

After he failed to recapture the WWF Title at WrestleMania, and after his show-stealing performance on "Saturday Night Live," Big Show has decided to bring his real-life persona to the ring, which includes his ability to make people laugh. Since switching gears, Show has appeared on Federation programming dancing, as the Big Showbowski and even Fat Bastard from the "Austin Powers" movies. Who knows what could be up this monster's sleeves next.

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