Crash Holly
Real Name : Erin O Grady
Weight: 200 pounds
Career Highlights: Tag Team Champion{1}, Hardcore Champion {11)

When Hardcore Holly introduced his cousin, Crash, to the World Wrestling Federation, a new era of "super heavyweights" was ushered in. Crash has the same delusion as his veteran cousin. He feels that he is at a level of competition where facing anyone under 6'6" and 400 pounds would be a waste of time.

To test his opponents, Crash carries a scale to the ring prior to his and Hardcore's contests. If their opponents do not meet the "minimum requirements," the Hollys may refuse to wrestle them. Needless to say, this ritual has not endeared the cousins to many superstars, and if they keep it up, the Hollys may get more than they bargained for.

Personal Opinion : Crash is one of the funniest and smallest wrestlers in WWF history.His whole life he has been an over achiever. A 10 time hardcore champion , and tag team champion proves that crash can hang with the big boys.

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