Jerry Lawlor
Real Name:Jerry Lawlor
Height - 6'0"
Weight - 236lbs
Hometown - Memphis, TN
Likes - Himself, Computers, Cleveland Indians, Coca-Cola, Painting, Softball, TV/Movies, Winning Matches, Fans that bring signs that say "Lawler for President!"
Dislikes - Travel, WCW Marks, Stupid fans that chant "Burger King"

Jerry "The King" Lawler is simultaneously one of the most loved and hated men in pro wrestling. He is loved in Memphis, TN, where he has been a hometown hero and devoted resident all his life. But he is despised in the WWF, where his arrogant, egotistical attitude got him into feuds with former WWF champ Bret Hart and federation head Vince McMahon.

Turned pro in 1970 and first won the Southern Title in 1974. He held the Southern title for 6 of the next 8 years. Feuded with Bill Dundee, Rocky Johnson, Paul Orndorff, and Tommy Rich. Has victories over Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Dory Funk, Jr., Terry Funk, Jack Brisco, and Harley Race. Missed all of 1980 when he was out of action with a broken leg, but made an incredible comeback in which he was undefeated for 6 months.

Is perhaps best known for his feud with comedian Andy Kaufman. Lawler felt he was belittling the sport by challenging females to wrestling matches. Lawler ended up in a match with Kaufman in Memphis in which he gave Kaufman two pile-drivers that sent him to the hospital for 3 days. He continued to wear the neck brace for months after. The most famous incident was on LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN, when Lawler slapped Kaufman out of his chair. Kaufman then went into a frenzy, cursing at lawler and trying to throw coffee on him.

Lawler also is no stranger to the air-waves. He has hosted his own radio show. He hosted his own TV show for years (The Jerry Lawler Show which aired every Sunday morning). He is also a successful commercial artist. He has his artwork displayed on commercial sites throughout the city of Memphis.

Lawler achieved his greatest title success on May 9, 1988, when he defeated Curt Henning for the AWA World title. He unified the world heavyweight title by beating World Class Champion Kerry Von Erich afterwards.

His career took a stunning new turn in August of 1992 when Bret Hart announced that he would defend the WWF World Title against Jeff Jarrett. That opened the door for Lawler's entrance to the WWF. He appeared in the WWF Royal Rumble and enraged WWF fans with his rulebreaker attitude. Bret Hart won the King of the Ring. Lawler then declared that he was the only true King of wrestling. He attacked Hart after his match and piledrove him on a set of steps prior to Hart's coronation. He then feuded with Bret and Owen Hart at both USWA and WWF venues. That was just the beginning. Since that time, the King has made life miserable for many WWF superstars. Currently Lawler is still announcing on Monday Night's WarZone on USA, and wrestling in Memphis' new wrestling organization called Memphis Championship Wrestling.

Personal Opinion: One of the best color announcers the WWF has ever seen always known for cracking jokes durning matches,and changing his pick for winner of the Royal Rumble 29 times every year.He will go down as a WWF great.

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