Real Name: Glen Jacobs
Height: 6'9"
Weight: 320
Also known as: Fake Diesel; Issac Yankem; Christmas Creature; Unibomb; Doomsday.
Titles Held: World Title (1); Tag Team Title (3)..
Contract Details: Expires early 2001..
Major Injuries: Sustained Broken Hand in March 2000. .

Kane made his WWF debut at IYH: Badd Blood late 1997 when his "brother" the Undertaker was fighting Shawn Michaels in the first ever Hell in the Cell match up. For weeks Paul Bearer had been hinting to the world that the undertaker's brother had survived the fire that susposily had killed him.

Kane cost the Undertaker the match and the WWF title,but the Undertaker refused to fight his brother.this went on for weeks with kane beating on the Undertaker any chance he got.The Undertaker finally accepted and the two fought in the first ever inferno match,with the Undertaker getting the win.This should have been the end but the wwf continued to have the two "brothers" fight and fight and every one seemed to get a bit fed up of it.

Then one week the two brothers reunited and fell out again.

And then the wwf pulled a rabbit out of a hat and announed that paul bearer was kanes' daddy then something weird happened and paul bearer turned on kane and reunited with the undertaker leaving kane by himself.And then you guessed it, yes kane and the undertaker fought again.then finally kane went by himself and at 1998 king of the ring kane captured the wwf title defeating stone cold steve austin which was very odd because kane was only a mid carder and had no mic skills ,and even more oddly that steve austin would job to a mid carder.His reign lasted for just 24 hours when he lost it back to Austin on Raw. Since then he hasnt touched the wwf title.

Kane then teamed up with Mankind and won the tag straps twice in there short run as a tag team.

Kane then joined up with vince mc mahons team Corporate with Vince holding a threat over him saying that he could put him into a mental home at anytime if he didnt do what he was told.Chyna then took kane under her wing and the two where very close untill WM 15 when she turned on him.{jeyus kane gets screwed a lot}.His character was going nowwhere quickley untill the little green degenerate came along.X Pac and kane became a team and a good one a that.Durning there alliance glen jacobs lost a lot of weight and got HUGE face pops. Kane was on his way back.The X Pac- Kane tag team lasted for a few months untill X Pac Turned on Kane,Kane then aligned himself with tori ,his first girlfriend. And again she turned on him.

Then after an absence of 6 months a slim Paul Bearer made his return and joined up with his son again. These two are together again but for how long???????..

© COPYRIGHT 2000 A Hastings .