Real Name: Andrew Martin
Height: 6' 7"
Weight: 315
Also Known As:"Corporate Test".
Titles Held: Hardcore (1).
Contract Details: Unknown.
Major Injuries:Sustained back injury in late 1999.

The story goes that test he was spotted at Planet Hollywood in Canada by Bret Hart who offered to train him as a wrestler. Martin agreed and he was trained by Hart and several other distinguished professional wrestlers . One thing led to another and he was invited to train at the WWF's "Funkin' Dojo" facility.

When the band "Motley Crue" made a guest appearance on Raw, Test was introduced as their bodyguard. This was a way for the WWF to introduce his character. He made an impact mostly because the WWF hyped that he had been "very rough" when ejecting some of Motley Crue's overzealous fans. As the band appeared for DX and had a past history with the Degenerates, it was thought that Test might enter the Federation as a new member of DX. Instead, Test made his appearance several weeks later by assisting the then Corporate Rock when he was fighting Triple H. This cemented Test as a Corporation member and he was often said to be "The Corporate Test".

Test appeared at Wrestlemania 15 where he and D'Lo Brown won a pre-PPV Battle Royal to decide which two contenders would get a shot at the Tag Team Titles.

Test was in the "Union" for a while with the Big Show, Mankind and Ken Shamrock. But that faction didn't last very long. After they broke up, Test's angle development involved dating Stephanie McMahon. This developed into a nice little feud with Shane McMahon and the Mean Street Posse. Shane and Test had a "Love Her or Leave Her" match at Summerslam 1999 with Shane promising to leave the "couple" alone if Test won the match. Test won, despite the fact that the Posse sat ringside and interfered. Shane did not keep his promise and kept causing trouble for Test and Stephanie.

Things progressed and Test and Stephanie became engaged. After a lot of wedding nonsense and build up the happy couple were supposed to be married on "Raw is Love". Their impending nuptials were interrupted by Triple H who had married an unconscious Stephanie the night before. Stephanie was upset and Test was distraught and poor Vinnie Mac practically had a heart attack. This was the lead up for the December 1999 pay-per-view "Armageddon" where Vince and Triple H had it out for the " rights" to Stephanie.

Triple H won and Test sort of disappeared off the radar around about then. He took a backseat to Vince's efforts to get his daughter back and the dramatics of the new Mr and Mrs Hunter Hearst Helmsley. It was quite surprising to see his sudden push come to an abrupt end. But really, when you look back at the storyline it seems to me that Stephanie McMahon was the one getting the push, not Test. Then after he had served his purpose as the jilted ex-boyfriend he was thrown back on the pile of mid- carders.

The back injury he sustained in late 1999 might have furthered this apparent "dumping". There were rumors that Vince McMahon and the WWF were "testing" Test and wanted to prove that they could make or break him.

Test defeated the Big Bossman for the Hardcore title in January of 2000. He held it for 36 days before dropping it to Crash Holly.

Test made a comeback in early 2000 in the newly revived Tag Team division with his new partner Albert. They were called "T & A".They are currently managed Trish Stratus. Test may not be able to play with the big boys right now, he shows great promise of one day being able to work the main event scene.

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