September 24, 2000.
First Union Center,

First Union Center
The Rock retained the WWF Title in a Fatal Four Way Match Up pinning Chris Benoit.
HHH defeated Kurt Angle.
Eddie Guererro retained the Intercontinental Title beating Rikishi.
The Hardy Boys won the WWF Tag Titles Defeating Edge and Christian in a Steel Cage Match.
Chris Jericho defeated X Pac Tazz defeated Jerry Lawlor in a strap match, Raven debuted.
RTC Defeated The Acolytes and The Dudley Boyz.
Steve Blackman retained the WWF Hardcore title winning the Hardcore Free For All.


September, 1999.
Charlotte Coliseum,
Attendance 18,000
HHH won the six pack challenge to become the WWF Champion.
Jeff Jarrett defeated chyna to retain the WWF Intercontintental champion.
The Acolytes defeated the Dudley Boyz.
Ivory defeated Luna.
The New Age Outlaws defeated Edge & Christian.
Al Snow defeated Big Bossman in a kennel from hell match.
X Pac defeated Chris Jericho by DQ.
Val Venis defeated Steve Blackman.
D'lo Brown defeated Mark Henry for the European Title.

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